VignetteFor a complete overview of the software, please refer to the Journal of Statistical Software paper: “A Recipe for inferference: Start with Causal Inference. Add Interference. Mix Well with R.”
The list below details the arguments for interference
the primary function in inferference
. Special attention
should be given to the propensity_integrand
: formula used to define the causal model.
has a minimum of 4 parts, separated by
and ~
in a specific structure:
outcome | exposure ~ covariates | group
. The order matters,
and the pipes (|
) split the data frame into corresponding
pieces . The exposure ~ covariates
piece is passed as a
single formula to the chosen model_method
(defined below)
used to estimate or fix propensity parameters.
outcome | exposure ~ covariates + (1|group) | group
. In
this instance, the group variable appears twice.outcome | exposure | participation ~ covariates | group
: a function, which may be created
by the user, used to compute the IP weights. This defaults to the
function logit_integrand()
, which calculates the product of
inverse logits for individuals in a group: $\prod_{j = 1}^{n_i} \{r h_{ij}(b_i)\}^{A_{ij}}\{1 -
r h_{ij}(b_i)\}^{1 - A_{ij}} f_b(b_i; \theta_s)$, where hij(bi) = logit−1(Xijθx + bi),
bi is a
group-level random effect, fb is a N(0, θs)
density, and r is a known
constant. In an observational study typically r = 1. The examples below include
individual randomized experiments in which case r denotes the randomization
probability among trial participants. logit_integrand()
the integrand of , logit_integrand()
ignores the random
effect. IP weights are computed by numerically integrating
over the random effect distribution
using by stats::integrate()
to which arguments may be
passed via ...
(see below). The default
also takes the following argument that
can be passed via the ...
argument in
: a scalar. This is the r in the formula just above. It
defaults to 1 in the case that a participation
vector is
not included. The vaccine study example below demonstrates use of this
: a function, which may be created
by the user, that defines the log likelihood of the propensity score
model. This should generally be the same function as
`propensity_integrand}, which is the default.allocations
: a vector of values in [0, 1]. Increasing the number of elements of
the allocation vector increases computation time; however, a larger
number of allocations will make plotted effect estimates smoother. A
minimum of two allocations is
: the analysis data frame. This must include all
the variables defined in the `formula}.model_method
: the method used to estimate or set the
propensity model parameters. Must be one of 'glm'
, or 'oracle'
. For a fixed effects only
model use 'glm'
, or to include random effects use
’s 'glmer'
et al. 2014). logit_integrand
only supports a single
random effect for the grouping variable, corresponding to bi. When the
propensity parameters are known (as in simulations) or if estimating
parameters for the propensity model outside of
, use the 'oracle'
option. See
for details on how to pass the oracle
parameters. Defaults to 'glmer'
: a list of options passed to the function
in model_method
. Defaults to
list(family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
. When
model_method = 'oracle'
, the list must have two elements,
and random.effects
. If the model
does not include random effects, set
random.effects = NULL
: currently only supports and
defaults to 'ipw'
: a list with a single item
, which is either 'naive'
or 'robust'
. Defaults to 'robust'
: level for confidence intervals. Defaults to
: a scalar multiplication factor by which
to rescale outcomes and effects. Defaults to 1
: indicator of whether the
integrand function uses the allocation parameter. Defaults to TRUE....
: used to pass additional arguments to internal
functions such as numDeriv::grad()
. Arguments can also be passed to the
and loglihood_integrand
functions.An interference()
call results in an S3
object of class interference
which contains:
: a data frame of causal effect
: the glm
: a list of objects summarizing the causal model
such as the number of groups, number of allocations, and the formula
used in the interference
: (# of groups) × (# of allocations) matrix of group-level
weights: $$
w_{i, k} = \frac{\pi_i(\mathbf{A}_i;
$$If variance_estimation = 'robust'
, then the object also
: (# of groups) × (# of allocations) × (# of parameters) array of weights computed
using derivatives of the propensity function with respect to each
: (# of groups) × (# of parameters) matrix of derivatives of
the log likelihood.The package includes tools to extract effect estimates of interest
from the S3
object. The functions
, indirect_effect
), total_effect
(or te
), and
(or oe
) select appropriate
records from the estimates
data frame in the
This section illustrates the use of inferference
with an
example drawn from vaccine research. The package includes a single
dataset based on the same set of parameters used in the simulation study
by Perez-Heydrich et al. (2014). The
dataset consists of 3000 units in 250 groups and
contains two covariates (X1
= age in decades and
= distance to river), a vaccination indicator
), a participation indicator (B
), a binary
outcome (Y
) indicating cholera infection (1 yes, 0 no), and
the unit’s group
## Y X1 X2 A B group
## 1 1 5.3607405 1.715527 0 0 1
## 2 0 0.1964597 1.730802 0 1 1
## 3 0 0.4846243 1.769546 1 1 1
## 4 0 0.8012977 1.715527 0 1 1
## 5 0 2.1426629 1.772158 1 1 1
## 6 0 1.2861017 1.715527 0 1 1
Like the original study (Ali et al.
2005) that inspired the simulation, individuals were randomized
to vaccine with a known probability of 2/3, but subjects could opt to not
participate in the trial. In essence, there are both experimental and
observational aspects to the data. The interference
function handles this design when logit_integrand
argument is used and a participation variable
is included in the formula.
> example1 <- interference(
+ formula = Y | A | B ~ X1 + X2 + (1|group) | group,
+ allocations = c(.3, .45, .6),
+ data = vaccinesim,
+ randomization = 2/3,
+ method = 'simple')
The only arguments required for interference
to run are
, allocations
, and data
When using the `robust'
method (the default) to compute the
variance, the internal workings call numDeriv::grad
(Gilbert and Varadhan 2012) and
frequently. The option
method = 'simple'
greatly speeds up the
function. For more accurate derivatives,
leave out this option. See ?numDeriv::grad
for more
The print.interference
function provides an overview of
the causal effect estimates, estimated standard errors, and Wald-type
confidence intervals. In the output, alpha1
refer to α
and α′, while
and trt2
refer to a1 and a2, respectively.
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Model Summary
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Formula: Y | A | B ~ X1 + X2 + (1 | group) | group
## Number of groups: 250
## 3 allocations were used from 0.3 (min) to 0.6 (max)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Causal Effect Summary
## Confidence level: 0.95
## Variance method: robust
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Direct Effects
## alpha1 trt1 alpha2 trt2 estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
## 0.30 0 0.30 1 0.1605 0.02474 0.11202 0.2090
## 0.60 0 0.60 1 0.1086 0.01857 0.07219 0.1450
## 0.45 0 0.45 1 0.1339 0.01778 0.09904 0.1687
## Indirect Effects
## alpha1 trt1 alpha2 trt2 estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
## 0.30 0 0.60 0 0.15907 0.02617 0.10777 0.2104
## 0.30 0 0.45 0 0.08657 0.01732 0.05263 0.1205
## 0.45 0 0.60 0 0.07250 0.01408 0.04490 0.1001
## Total Effects
## alpha1 trt1 alpha2 trt2 estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
## 0.30 0 0.60 1 0.2677 0.02435 0.2199 0.3154
## 0.30 0 0.45 1 0.2205 0.02469 0.1721 0.2688
## 0.45 0 0.60 1 0.1811 0.01841 0.1450 0.2172
## Overall Effects
## alpha1 trt1 alpha2 trt2 estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
## 0.30 NA 0.60 NA 0.17607 0.019247 0.13835 0.2138
## 0.30 NA 0.45 NA 0.09867 0.014207 0.07083 0.1265
## 0.45 NA 0.60 NA 0.07740 0.008981 0.05980 0.0950
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The utility functions return selected effect estimates.
## alpha1 trt1 alpha2 trt2 estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
## 1 0.3 0 0.3 1 0.1605036 0.02473782 0.1120184 0.2089888
## alpha1 trt1 alpha2 trt2 estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
## 1 0.3 0 0.30 0 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
## 2 0.3 0 0.45 0 0.08656992 0.01731878 0.05262574 0.1205141
## 3 0.3 0 0.60 0 0.15906887 0.02617398 0.10776882 0.2103689
Plots of effect estimates over a range of α levels may be helpful in
summarizing results. Perez-Heydrich et al.
(2014) present several such graphical displays. Here we
demonstrate how to generate similar plots of effect estimates using
First, we estimate the effects over a dense sequence of allocations so that lines will be smooth.
> example2 <- interference( formula = Y | A | B ~ X1 + X2 + (1|group) | group,
+ allocations = seq(.2, .8, by = .1),
+ data = vaccinesim, randomization = 2/3, method = 'simple')
In the plots, we present the direct and indirect effect estimates over this range of allocations. For direct effects, a simple scatterplot showing the point-wise confidence intervals suffices. One approach with indirect effects fixes α and plots estimates over a range of α′, whereas a contour plot displays all pairwise (α, α′) comparisons over a range of allocation strategies.
> deff <- direct_effect(example2)
> x <- deff$alpha1
> y <- as.numeric(deff$estimate)
> u <- as.numeric(deff$conf.high)
> l <- as.numeric(deff$conf.low)
> plot(c(min(x), max(x)), c(-.15, .25), type = 'n', bty = 'l',
+ xlab = expression(alpha), ylab = '' )
> title(ylab = expression(widehat(DE) * "(" * alpha * ")"),
+ line = 2)
> polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(u, rev(l)), col = 'skyblue', border = NA)
> lines(x, y, cex = 2)
> ieff.4 <- ie(example2, allocation1 = .4)
> x <- ieff.4$alpha2
> y <- as.numeric(ieff.4$estimate)
> u <- as.numeric(ieff.4$conf.high)
> l <- as.numeric(ieff.4$conf.low)
> plot(c(min(x), max(x)),c(-.15, .25), type = 'n', bty = 'l',
+ xlab = expression(alpha * "'"), ylab = '')
> title(ylab = expression(widehat(IE) * "(" * 0.4 * "," * alpha * "'" * ")"),
+ line = 2)
> polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(u, rev(l)), col = 'skyblue', border = NA)
> lines(x, y, cex = 2)
> ieff <- subset(example2[["estimates"]], effect == 'indirect')
> x <- sort(unique(ieff$alpha1))
> y <- sort(unique(ieff$alpha2))
> z <- xtabs(estimate ~ alpha1 + alpha2, data= ieff)
> contour(x, y, z, xlab = expression(alpha),
+ ylab = expression(alpha * "'"), bty = 'l')
IPW estimators are known to be unstable if the weights range greatly.
The package includes a basic utility to check the performance of the
group-level weights, wi, k,
for multiple allocations. The function diagnose_weights
plots histograms of weights for chosen allocation levels. If the
argument is left NULL
, the
function plots histograms for five allocation levels used the
call. The plot below shows the resulting
histogram for a single allocation. The analyst should examine groups
with extreme weights, which may unduly influence population-level
The preceding example used the default logit_integrand
function to define the group-level propensities. The following example
demonstrates how to customize the propensity score function.
Nickerson (2008) reported an experiment on voter behavior to examine peer-to-peer indirect effects on voting participation. The experiment randomized households with only two registered voters in Denver and Minneapolis to receive one of three assignments: voting encouragement, recycling encouragement, or nothing. Canvassers knocked on doors of households randomized to the voting or recycling groups a week before the 2002 primary. If a registered voter answered the door, the canvassers delivered a scripted message about voting (treatment) or recycling (control). The researchers used voter turnout records to determine if each member of the household then voted in the election. Nickerson was interested in the potential spillover effect of the voting encouragement to the untreated individual via the treated individual. From analysis of the observed data, he concluded there was a “secondary effect” where the household members not contacted by the canvassers voted more often in the treatment groups compared to the control groups.
The dataset voters
contains information for 3861
households, 2549 in Denver and 1312 in Minneapolis, including covariates
such as age, gender, previous voting history, and party affiliation. Our
estimand of interest involves average voting outcomes when households
receive voting encouragement compared to when household receive the
recycling message, hence we exclude households not contacted by
canvassers. We also exclude the single household where a canvasser
appears to have contacted both registered voters.
> voters <- within(voters, {
+ treated = (treatment == 1 & reached == 1) * 1
+ c_age = (age - mean(age))/10
+ })
> reach_cnt <- tapply(voters$reached, voters$family, sum)
> voters <- voters[!(voters$family %in% names(reach_cnt[reach_cnt > 1])), ]
> voters <- voters[voters$hsecontact == 1, ]
Unlike the vaccine study example, in this data set randomization occurred at the group level but individual level treatment was not randomized. With only two subjects, Ai = (Ai1, Ai2) is the treatment allocation for group i and Xi = (Xi1, Xi2) is the matrix of individuals’ covariate matrices for group i. Let Bi = (Bi1, Bi2) be indicators of being reached by a canvasser in group i. Since we only consider households where someone answered the door, Bi ∈ {(1, 0), (0, 1)} and Pr (Bi1 = 1|Xi) + Pr (Bi2 = 1|Xi) = 1. Let hij = Pr (Bij = 1|Xi; θ) = logit−1(Xiθx). Let Gi ∈ {0, 1} be the indicator that group i is randomized to treatment (1) or control (0). By design, Pr (Gi = 1) = 0.5. Since Pr (Ai1|Xi; θ) = 1 − Pr (Ai2|Xi; θ), Pr (Ai|Xi; θ) can arbitrarily be defined in terms of either household member. By convention we use the first subject (subject one) of each group found in the dataset. Among treated groups, the probability of subject one being treated is the probability that a canvasser reached subject one. That is, Pr (Ai1|Gi = 1, Xi; θ) = hi1Ai1(1 − hi1)1 − Ai1. Thus, the group-level propensity can be expressed:
Thus, hi1 is
sufficient to determine the group-level propensity. If we know whether
or not the first subject was reached by a canvasser, then we know if the
second was. Therefore, we can estimate parameters for hi1 with a
dataset that includes only subject one from each group. To do this, we
must estimate the parameters outside of inferference
use model_method = 'oracle'
. We include centered age (in
decades) in the propensity model for demonstration purposes.
Custom propensity_integrand
functions must have at least one
: the first argument is the variable for which the
function computes the integral. As in this
example, the function can be written so that the integral evaluates to 1
and has no effect.For example, the following function will fix the group-level
propensity to 0.5 for all groups when
variance_estimation = "naive"
For more realistic models, additional arguments may be passed to the custom function:
: the covariate matrix (determined by the `formula})
for the ith groupA
: the vector of treatment indicators for the ith groupparameters
: vector of estimated parameters from the
* allocation
: the allocation
level for which the propensity is currently being estimated...
: other arguments can be passed via the ellipsis in
Now we have the pieces to write the propensity
function for the voting example.> household_propensity <- function(b, X, A,
+ parameters,
+ group.randomization = .5){
+ if(!is.matrix(X)){
+ X <- as.matrix(X)
+ }
+ if(sum(A) == 0){
+ pr <- group.randomization
+ } else {
+ X.1 <- X[1 ,]; A.1 <- A[1]
+ h <- plogis(X.1 %*% parameters)
+ pr <- group.randomization * dbinom(A.1, 1, h)
+ }
+ out <- pr * dnorm(b)
+ out
+ }
The influence of the door opener on the non-door opener’s voting behavior corresponds to an indirect effect. Though the Bernoulli-type parametrization of the estimands allows us to look at a range of allocations, $\widehat{IE}(0.5, 0)$ makes the sensible comparison between a world where individuals receive a voting message with probability 0.5 to a world where individuals have zero probability of receiving the voting message.
> example3 <- interference(
+ formula = voted02p | treated | reached ~ c_age | family,
+ propensity_integrand = 'household_propensity',
+ data = voters,
+ model_method = 'oracle',
+ model_options = list(fixed.effects = coef.voters, random.effects = NULL),
+ allocations = c(0, .5),
+ integrate_allocation = FALSE,
+ causal_estimation_options = list(variance_estimation = 'robust'),
+ conf.level = .9)
## estimate conf.low conf.high
## 1 0.03151501 0.002290586 0.06073944
The point estimate suggests an individual receiving the voting encouragement increases the voting likelihood of the other household member by 3.2%. The 90% confidence interval excludes zero, indicating a significant indirect effect corroborating the analysis in Nickerson (2008).
For comparison, suppose that a flip of a fair coin determined which
registered voter opened the door. We exclude age as a covariate and
instead set hi1 = 0.5. Here
we assume to know the propensity score, so we use
variance_estimation = 'naive'
> example4 <- interference(
+ formula = voted02p | treated | reached ~ 1 | family,
+ propensity_integrand = 'household_propensity',
+ data = voters,
+ model_method = 'oracle',
+ model_options = list(fixed.effects = 0, random.effects = NULL),
+ allocations = c(0, .5),
+ integrate_allocation = FALSE,
+ causal_estimation_options = list(variance_estimation = 'naive'),
+ conf.level = .9)
## estimate conf.low conf.high
## 1 0.03144654 0.002209019 0.06068406
Examining the group-level weights may help diagnose coding errors in the propensity score function. In the case of a fixed probability as in `example4}, the propensity weights are easily computed by hand. For example, for α = 0.5,
$$ w_i = \frac{\pi(\mathbf{A}_i; 0.5)}{f_{\mathbf{A}_i | \mathbf{X}_i}(\mathbf{A}_i | \mathbf{X}_i; \theta = 0)} = \begin{cases} \frac{0.5^2}{.5} = .5 & \text{ if } G_i = 0 \\ \frac{0.5^2}{.5^2} = 1 & \text{ if } G_i = 1\\ \end{cases}, $$
which we can confirm the software computed.
> G <- tapply(voters[1:12, 'treated'], voters[1:12, 'family'], sum)
> W <- head(example4[["weights"]])[, 2]
> cbind(G, W)
## G W
## 2 1 1.0
## 4 0 0.5
## 5 0 0.5
## 6 0 0.5
## 9 1 1.0
## 10 0 0.5
We show in this section how computation of the group-level weights may affect estimation as the number of individuals in groups grows. To illustrate, consider the IPW estimator of the overall effect, which weights individual outcomes in group i with:
$$ w_{1i} = \frac{\pi(\textbf{A}_i ; \alpha)}{f_{\mathbf{A}_i | \mathbf{X}_i}(\mathbf{A}_i | \mathbf{X}_i; \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}})} = \frac{\prod_{j=1}^{n_i} \alpha^{A_{ij}} (1 - \alpha)^{1 - A_{ij}}}{ \int \prod_{j=1}^{n_i} h_{ij}^{A_{ij}} (1 - h_{ij})^{1 - A_{ij}} f_b (b_i ; \hat{\theta}_s) db_i } $$
or equivalently, $$ w_{2i} = \left\{ \int \prod_{j=1}^{n_i} \left(\frac{h_{ij}}{\alpha}\right)^{A_{ij}} \left(\frac{1 - h_{ij}}{1 - \alpha}\right)^{1 - A_{ij}} f_b (b_i ; \hat{\theta}_s) db_i \right\}^{-1} $$
or, $$ w_{3i} = \left\{ \int \exp\left[ \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \left\{ A_{ij} \log \left( \frac{h_{ij}}{\alpha}\right) + (1 - A_{ij})\log \left(\frac{1 - h_{ij}}{1 - \alpha}\right) \right\} \right] f_b (b_i ; \hat{\theta}_s) db_i \right\}^{-1}. $$
While mathematically equivalent, these weights may be computationally
dissimilar. In the case of w1i, the product
term within the integral entails multiplying probabilities and thus will
tend to 0 as ni increases,
causing the denominator of w1i to get
arbitrarily large. In contrast, the product term in w2i entails
multiplying values which may be less than or greater than 1 and thus
tends to be less susceptible to numerical instability. Summing log (hij/α)
or log (1 − hij)/(1 − α))
and then exponentiating the result may provide greater numerical
stability. Internally, inferference
uses w3i.
When group sizes are small, the differences between these weights tend to be infinitesimal, but as group sizes grow the differences become important. To be specific, consider the code below comparing w1i, w2i, and w3i for increasing group sizes where α = 0.5, all units are treated, there is no random effect, and hij is fixed at 0.5.
> compare_weights <- function(n, alpha = .5, h = .5){
+ pi <- rep(alpha, n)
+ PrA <- rep(h, n)
+ c(w1 = prod(pi)/prod(PrA),
+ w2 = 1/prod(PrA/pi),
+ w3 = 1/exp(sum(log(PrA/pi))))
+ }
> n <- c(50, 100, 500, 1074, 1075, 10000)
> cbind(n, t(sapply(n, FUN = compare_weights)))
## n w1 w2 w3
## [1,] 50 1 1 1
## [2,] 100 1 1 1
## [3,] 500 1 1 1
## [4,] 1074 1 1 1
## [5,] 1075 NaN 1 1
## [6,] 10000 NaN 1 1
For group sizes up to 1074 there is
no difference, but when n
reaches 1075, w1i returns
while w2i and w3i correctly
return 1.
Perez-Heydrich et al. (2014) used w1i to calculate weights, but 15 groups in their analysis had over 1000 subjects. These groups had missing values for weights for all the values of α considered and were excluded from computing the average IPW estimate. Rather than computing the average IPW across 700 groups, they inadvertently took the average across 685 groups. Correcting the estimates by using w2i or w3i did not alter the conclusions in this case, but analysts should be aware of this issue when dealing with large groups.