inferference 1.0.1
- Adds ability to fit some types of models with HLfit(family = binomial(), = gaussian()).
inferference 0.5.3
- fixes small issue with diagnose_weights() function
- fixes issue where weightd object was not showing up in output
inferference 0.5.2
inferference 0.5.1
- updates vignettes to a stripped down version of the JSS paper
- effect utilities now only return a smaller subset of columns: alphas, treatments, estimate, std.error, and confidence limits
inferference 0.5.0
- Eliminates 'set_NA_to_0' to 'interference'.
- Modifies the 'integrate_allocation' argument to 'interference'. The default is now to include the allocation parameter in the weight term.
- Adds 'diagnose_weights' function which prints histograms of group-level weights.
inferference 0.4.62 (2015-06-08)
- To avoid confusion with the ‘method' argument of 'numDeriv::grad()',
the 'causal_estimation_options' of 'interference()' has changed. 'variance_estimation = ’simple'‘ is now 'variance_estimation = ’naive''.