--- title: "The design and structure of geex" author: "Bradley Saul" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{The software design of geex} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- > The details below are for those interested in how geex is organized. It is not necessary for using geex. ## The Estimating Function The design of `geex` starts with the key to M-estimation, the estimating function: \[ \psi(O_i, \theta) . \] `geex` composes $\psi$ with two R functions: the "outer" `estFUN` and the "inner" `psiFUN`. In pseudocode, $\psi(O_i, \theta) =$: ``` estFUN <- function(O_i){ psiFUN <- function(theta){ psi(O_i, theta) } return(psiFUN) } ``` The reason for composing the $\psi$ function in this way is that in order to do estimation (finding roots) and inference (computing the empirical sandwich variance estimator), $\psi$ needs to be function of $\theta$. M-estimation theory gives the following instructions: * To estimate $\hat{\theta}$, we need to find roots of $G_m = \sum_i \psi(O_i, \theta) = 0$. * To estimate the empirical sandwich variance estimator, we need two quantities for each unit: $A_i = - (\partial \psi(O_i, \theta)/\partial \theta)|_{\theta = \hat{\theta}}$ and $B_i = \psi(O_i, \hat{\theta})\psi(O_i, \theta)^{\intercal}$. With $\hat{\theta}$ in hand, the quantity $B_i$ is simple to compute. The computational challenges of M-estimation, then, are finding roots of $G_m$ and calculating the derivative $A_i$. By composing $\psi$ of two functions in `geex`, one can first do all the manipulations of $O_i$ (data) that are independent of $\theta$. In a sense, `estFUN` "fixes" the data so that numerical routines only need deal with $\theta$ in `psiFUN`. ## M-estimation basis Before describing the mechanics of how `geex` finding roots of $G_m$ and computes derivatives of $\psi$, let's look at the `m_estimation_basis` `S4` object which forms the basis of all computations in `geex`. An `m_estimation_basis` object, at a minimum needs two objects: an `estFUN` and a `data.frame`. Let's use a simple `estFUN` that estimates the mean and variance of `Y1` in the `geexex` dataset. ```{r} library(geex) library(dplyr) myee <- function(data){ Y1 <- data$Y1 function(theta){ c(Y1 - theta[1], (Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2]) } } ``` Now we can create a basis: ```{r} mybasis <- new("m_estimation_basis", .estFUN = myee, .data = geexex) ``` And look at what this object contains: ```{r} slotNames(mybasis) ``` Two slots are worth examining. First, `.psiFUN_list` is a `list` of `function`s: ```{r} mybasis@.psiFUN_list[1:2] ``` This object is essentially equivalent to: ```{r, eval=FALSE} m <- nrow(geexex) lapply(split(geexex, f = 1:m), function(O_i){ myee(O_i) }) ``` From this list of functions, we can compute $A_i$, and by summing across the list, form $G_m$. The latter is found in: ```{r} mybasis@.GFUN ``` ## Finding roots Now that we have $G_m$ as a function of `theta`, we can found its roots using a root-finding algorithm such as `rootSolve::multiroot`: ```{r} rootSolve::multiroot( f = mybasis@.GFUN, start = c(0, 0)) ``` Within `geex` this is done with the `estimate_GFUN_roots` function. To illustrate, I first need to update the `.control` slot in `mybasis` with starting values for `multiroot`. ```{r setup} mycontrol <- new('geex_control', .root = setup_root_control(start = c(1, 1))) mybasis@.control <- mycontrol roots <- mybasis %>% estimate_GFUN_roots() roots ``` Note that is bad form to assign `S4` slot with `someS4object@aslot <- something`, but I do so here because I have not created a generic function for setting the `.control` slot. ## Computing the Empirical Sandwich Variance Estimator In the last section, we found $\hat{\theta}$, which we now use to compute the $A_i$ and $B_i$ matrices. `geex` uses the `numDeriv::jacobian` function to numerically evaluate derivatives. For example, $A_1 = - (\partial \psi(O_1, \theta)/\partial \theta)|_{\theta = \hat{\theta}}$ for this example is: ```{r} -numDeriv::jacobian(func = mybasis@.psiFUN_list[[1]], x = roots$root) ``` `geex` performs this operation for each $i = 1, \dots, m$ to yield a list of $A_i$ matrices. Then summing across this list yields $A = \sum_i A_i$. The `estimate_sandwich_matrices` function computes the list of $A_i$, $B_i$ and $A$ and $B$: ```{r} mats <- mybasis %>% estimate_sandwich_matrices(.theta = roots$root) # Compare to the numDeriv computation above grab_bread_list(mats)[[1]] ``` Finally, computing $\hat{\Sigma} = A^{-1} B (A^{-1})^{\intercal}$ is accomplished with the `compute_sigma` function. ```{r} mats %>% {compute_sigma(A = grab_bread(.), B = grab_meat(.))} ``` ## M-estimation with `m_estimate` All of the operations described above are wrapped and packaged in the `m_estimate` function: ```{r} m_estimate( estFUN = myee, data = geexex, root_control = setup_root_control(start = c(0, 0)) ) ```