TODO: describe what’s going on here
n <- 1000
x <- data_frame(
A = rbinom(n, 1, .2),
Y0 = rnorm(n, 0, 1),
Y1 = rnorm(n, 2 * A, 1),
Y = (A*Y1) + (1 - A)*Y0)
ipw_estFUN <- function(data){
A <- data$A
Y <- data$Y
function(theta, phat){
ipw0 <- 1/theta[1]
ipw1 <- 1/theta[2]
# Estimating functions #
c( (1 - A) - theta[1],
A - theta[2],
# Estimating IP weight
Y*(1 - A)*ipw0 - theta[3],
Y*(A)*ipw1 - theta[4],
# Treating IP weight as known
Y*A/phat - theta[5]
phat <- mean(x$A)
out <- m_estimate(ipw_estFUN,
data = x,
inner_args = list(phat = phat),
root_control = setup_root_control(start = c(.5, .5, 0, 0, 0)))
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## Comparing variance estimates
geex_vcov <- diag(vcov(out)) * n
# estimates match treating propensity as known
all.equal(var(x$Y * x$A/phat) * (n - 1)/n, geex_vcov[5])
## [1] TRUE
# estimates match using influence function approach
y <- x$Y * x$A/phat - mean(x$Y * x$A/phat)
z <- (x$A - phat) / (phat*(1 - phat))
var(y - predict(lm(y ~ z))) - geex_vcov[4] # close
## [1] 0.005655136
An example ψ function
written in R
. This function computes the score functions
for a GLM, plus two counterfactual means estimated by inverse
probability weighting.
eefun <- function(data, model, alpha){
X <- model.matrix(model, data = data)
A <- model.response(model.frame(model, data = data))
Y <- data$Y
p <- length(theta)
p1 <- length(coef(model))
lp <- X %*% theta[1:p1]
rho <- plogis(lp)
hh <- ((rho/alpha)^A * ((1-rho)/(1-alpha))^(1 - A))
IPW <- 1/(exp(sum(log(hh))))
score_eqns <- apply(X, 2, function(x) sum((A - rho) * x))
ce0 <- mean(Y * (A == 0)) * IPW / (1 - alpha)
ce1 <- mean(Y * (A == 1)) * IPW / (alpha)
ce0 - theta[p - 1],
ce1 - theta[p])
Compare to what inferference
test <- interference(
formula = Y | A ~ X1 | group,
data = vaccinesim,
model_method = 'glm',
allocations = c(.35, .4))
mglm <- glm(A ~ X1, data = vaccinesim, family = binomial)
ce_estimates <- m_estimate(
estFUN = eefun,
data = vaccinesim,
units = 'group',
root_control = setup_root_control(start = c(coef(mglm), .4, .13)),
outer_args = list(alpha = .35, model = mglm)
## (Intercept) X1
## -0.36869683 -0.02037916 0.42186669 0.15507946
## [1] 0.2667872
## 0.2667872
# conpare SE estimates
L <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
Sigma <- vcov(ce_estimates)
sqrt(t(L) %*% Sigma %*% L) # from GEEX
## [,1]
## [1,] 0.03716025
## [1] 0.02602316
I would expect them to be somewhat different, since
uses a slightly different variance estimator
defined in the web
appendix of Perez-Heydrich et al (2014).
Estimators of causal effects often have the form:
where ν are parameters in
nuisance model(s), such as a propensity score model, and β are the target causal parameters.
Even when ν represent
parameters in common statistical models, deriving a closed form for a
sandwich variance estimator for β based on Equation~ may involve
tedious and error-prone derivative and matrix calculations [e.g.; see
the appendices of Lunceford and Davidian
(2004) and Perez-Heydrich et al.
(2014)]. In this example, we show how an analyst can avoid these
calculations and compute the empirical sandwich variance estimator using
Lunceford and Davidian (2004) review several estimators of causal effects from observational data. To demonstrate a more complicated estimator involving multiple nuisance models, we implement the doubly robust estimator:
This estimator targets the average causal effect, $\Delta = \E[Y(1) - Y(0)]$, where Y(z) is the potential outcome for an experimental unit had it been exposed to the level z of the binary exposure variable Z. The estimated propsensity score, êi, is the estimated probability that unit i received z = 1 and mz(Xi, α̂z) are regression models for the outcome with baseline covariates Xi and estimated paramaters α̂z. This estimator has the property that if either the propensity score models or the outcome models are correctly specified, then the solution to Equation~ will be a consistent and asymptotically Normal estimator of Δ.
This estimator and its estimating equations can be translated into an
dr_estFUN <- function(data, models){
Z <- data$Z
Y <- data$Y
Xe <- grab_design_matrix(
data, rhs_formula = grab_fixed_formula(models$e))
Xm0 <- grab_design_matrix(
data, rhs_formula = grab_fixed_formula(models$m0))
Xm1 <- grab_design_matrix(
data, rhs_formula = grab_fixed_formula(models$m1))
e_pos <- 1:ncol(Xe)
m0_pos <- (max(e_pos) + 1):(max(e_pos) + ncol(Xm0))
m1_pos <- (max(m0_pos) + 1):(max(m0_pos) + ncol(Xm1))
e_scores <- grab_psiFUN(models$e, data)
m0_scores <- grab_psiFUN(models$m0, data)
m1_scores <- grab_psiFUN(models$m1, data)
e <- plogis(Xe %*% theta[e_pos])
m0 <- Xm0 %*% theta[m0_pos]
m1 <- Xm1 %*% theta[m1_pos]
rd_hat <- (Z*Y - (Z - e) * m1)/e - ((1 - Z) * Y - (Z - e) * m0)/(1 - e)
m0_scores(theta[m0_pos]) * (Z == 0),
m1_scores(theta[m1_pos]) * (Z == 1),
rd_hat - theta[length(theta)])
This estFUN
presumes that the user will pass a list
containing fitted model objects for the three nuisance models: the
propensity score model and one regression model for each treatment
group. The functions grab_design_matrix
are geex
utilities for
extracting relevant pieces of a model object. The function
converts a fitted model object to an estimating
function; for example, for a glm
uses the to create a function
corresponding to the generalized linear model score
function. The m_estimate
function can be wrapped in another
function, wherein nuisance models are fit and passed to
estimate_dr <- function(data, propensity_formula, outcome_formula){
e_model <- glm(propensity_formula, data = data, family = binomial)
m0_model <- glm(outcome_formula, subset = (Z == 0), data = data)
m1_model <- glm(outcome_formula, subset = (Z == 1), data = data)
models <- list(e = e_model, m0 = m0_model, m1 = m1_model)
nparms <- sum(unlist(lapply(models, function(x) length(coef(x))))) + 1
estFUN = dr_estFUN,
data = data,
root_control = setup_root_control(start = rep(0, nparms)),
outer_args = list(models = models))
The following code provides a function to replicate the simulation settings of Lunceford and Davidian (2004).
tau_0 <- c(-1, -1, 1, 1)
tau_1 <- tau_0 * -1
Sigma_X3 <- matrix(
c(1, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5,
0.5, 1, -0.5, -0.5,
-0.5, -0.5, 1, 0.5,
-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
gen_data <- function(n, beta, nu, xi){
X3 <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = 0.2)
V3 <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = (0.75 * X3 + (0.25 * (1 - X3))))
hold <- rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0, 4), Sigma_X3)
colnames(hold) <- c("X1", "V1", "X2", "V2")
hold <- cbind(hold, X3, V3)
hold <- apply(hold, 1, function(x){
x[1:4] <- x[1:4] + tau_1^(x[5])*tau_0^(1 - x[5])
hold <- t(hold)[, c("X1", "X2", "X3", "V1", "V2", "V3")]
X <- cbind(Int = 1, hold)
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = plogis(X[, 1:4] %*% beta))
X <- cbind(X[, 1:4], Z, X[, 5:7])
Y = X %*% c(nu, xi) + rnorm(n),
X[ , -1])
To show that estimate_dr
correctly computes Δ̂DR,
the results from geex
can be compared to computing Δ̂DR “by
hand” for a simulated dataset.
dt <- gen_data(1000, c(0, 0.6, -0.6, 0.6), c(0, -1, 1, -1, 2), c(-1, 1, 1))
geex_results <- estimate_dr(dt, Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3, Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3)
e <- predict(glm(Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = dt, family = "binomial"),
type = "response")
m0 <- predict(glm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = dt, subset = Z==0), newdata = dt)
m1 <- predict(glm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = dt, subset = Z==1), newdata = dt)
del_hat <- with(dt, mean( (Z * Y - (Z - e) * m1)/e)) -
with(dt, mean(((1 - Z) * Y - (Z - e) * m0)/(1 - e)))